January Sale!

JANUARY SALE – £100 discount! Book before 31st January 2025 to pay £850 instead of £950 for our 4-piece band and £650 instead of £750 for our 3-piece band. For up to 4 consecutive hours of entertainment before midnight within one hour’s drive from Bathgate.


Cakes for inspiration!

How to have a great ceilidh party!

We have played for hundreds, if not thousands, of parties with a ceilidh. Recently, we were asked to play a joint birthday/graduation ceilidh party in Glasgow and a mother of one of the overseas graduates approached us afterwards and said “ I had heard about ceilidhs, and this is my first ceilidh and it was […]

Environmental, Social and Governance

Save the planet

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, many individuals and organizations are taking steps to become greener. In the Rock Ceilidh Band, we are proud to say that we are doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment. One of the ways we are achieving this is […]