January Sale!

JANUARY SALE – £100 discount! Book before 31st January 2025 to pay £850 instead of £950 for our 4-piece band and £650 instead of £750 for our 3-piece band. For up to 4 consecutive hours of entertainment before midnight within one hour’s drive from Bathgate.


Cakes for inspiration!

How to have a great ceilidh party!

We have played for hundreds, if not thousands, of parties with a ceilidh. Recently, we were asked to play a joint birthday/graduation ceilidh party in Glasgow and a mother of one of the overseas graduates approached us afterwards and said “ I had heard about ceilidhs, and this is my first ceilidh and it was […]

A 50th Wedding Anniversary Ceilidh to remember in Lindores Abbey Distillery

On a rainy night in October, we were invited to play for a ceilidh at Lindores Abbey Distillery to celebrate Bruce and Sheena’s 50th wedding anniversary. Despite the flooded roads, most folks managed to attend and it was a great night. The ceilidh was held in the distillery’s visitor centre, which is a beautiful space […]