
Why you should have a ‘rock ceilidh’ at your wedding.

Looking for the perfect way to entertain your guests at your upcoming wedding or party? Look no further than a rock-ceilidh!

Originating in Scotland, ceilidhs have become a beloved tradition worldwide for their ability to bring people together and create unforgettable memories. The dances are easy to learn, and even easier to enjoy, with everyone from beginners to experts able to join in on the fun.

Experience the Magic of Ceilidhs at Your Wedding

One of the best things about ceilidhs is their ability to put a smile on everyone’s face at the very least, and  progress to a riot of laughter.

Ceilidhs, with their energetic rhythms, melodic tunes, and waistcoat-wrestling dances, are a fantastic way to create an unforgettable atmosphere at your wedding. And let’s not forget about the kilts! These iconic Scottish garments are designed to swish and twirl during ceilidh dances, adding an extra element of excitement to the festivities. Not only are ceilidhs great fun, but they are also a great way to get everyone up and dancing, breaking the ice between families who may not have met before the big day.

Engaging Atmosphere and Fun

Another of the great things about ceilidhs is that they are very social – you have to dance with at least one person to take part. Some of the dances are progressive, meaning that you are guaranteed to get a dance with the bride or groom. This is a great way to ensure that everyone gets a chance to dance with the happy couple.

Ceilidhs are incredibly inclusive. Everyone from all abilities, regardless of their age or experience, can take part and enjoy the fun through a mixture of boisterous and slow dances. Plus, the dances are easy to learn, so even if your guests have had a few drinks, they can still join in the fun. Mary from the band will also correspond with you regularly beforehand to ensure that your wedding is the best it can possibly be. She will work with you to create the perfect atmosphere, and will even provide suggestions to make your wedding as special as possible.

Experienced Musicians for Ceilidhs and Wedding Functions

The musicians who play and call for ceilidhs at weddings and other functions have many years of experience, and are well-versed in both Scottish and Irish ceilidh dances. They can play for your first dance, whether you want to perform a waltz or a ceilidh dance. Alternatively, your favourite song can be played through the Rock Ceilidh Band system, which also includes disco and lights as standard. For the last dance, the band recommends the ‘Orcadian Strip the Willow’ as it is the easiest dance to do and involves lots of spinning around. It is also a great way to ensure that the bride and groom get to dance with everyone before stealing away, if they want to.

It is common for married couples to request a switch to disco after the buffet break around the halfway point. The DJ can either play their own selection of dance floor fillers or play your requested playlist.

At the very end of the night, it is customary for the DJ to gather everyone around in a circle with the bride and groom in the middle to sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ or Runrig’s ‘Loch Lomond’. This is a great way to end the night on a high note.

If you would like us to set up early, for example to provide you with a microphone for your speeches, we can do this for an additional fee.

In conclusion, ceilidhs are the ideal wedding entertainment. They are social, fun, and a great way to create an unforgettable atmosphere at your wedding. With the experienced musicians who are passionate about their craft in the Rock Ceilidh Band, you can rest assured that your wedding party will be a night to remember.

Customer Reviews

"Thank you. It was such a great night and yes, the dancing was great. I loved that we opened the doors at the end (for the many dancers for Strip the Willow)"
M. Abbot, Kinghorn
“Lots of people commented on what a great night they had. Thanks for playing for us and for the excellent mix of ceilidh calling."
M. Carson, Broxburn

Email Mary at

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